Updating the Java Build Path with the Required Projects- A Replication Java Program for IBM FileNet Object Stores

Figure 4-58The Java Build Path Projects tab is selected and the Add command clicked

In Figure 4-58, we select the AUDIT_CEReplicate, Replication.jar build project properties and click the Java Build Path menu item and then select the Projects tab to identify the Required projects on the build path.

Figure 4-59The supporting Projects selected for addition to the Eclipse Java Build Path

Figure 4-60The supporting Projects are added to the AUDIT_CEReplicate project


Figure 4-61The four created supporting jar files in the Eclipse root folder on Linux

The Add External JARs command is selected, and the supporting jars displayed in Figure 4-61 are added to the AUDIT_CEReplicate project in the Java Build Path Libraries tab list.

Figure 4-62The four supporting .jar libraries are added to the main Project

Updating the Supporting Jar Library File Security

Figure 4-63The security on the four generated supporting jar files is changed to allow access for the project build

Figure 4-64The security on the config.xml file is updated to support the search date updates which set the next search start date for source object store changes

Updating the IBM FileNet Object Store Security


Figure 4-65The security on the two Object Stores OS1 and OS2 is updated for the connected Content Engine administrator user used by the Replication program

The security displayed in Figure 4-65 is used to ensure the user has the ACL security options for Modify certain system properties (also programmatically added using the API).

Figure 4-66The Audit log file security is changed to support the program writes

Running the Replication Program Tests

Figure 4-67The root folder /AUDIT_TEST is created in the target Object Store, OS1

Figure 4-68The 36 Documents processed displayed in the AuditImportAuditDocs.log

Figure 4-69The completed project set for the Replication.jar file build

Figure 4-70The main replication.jar file is exported for use

Figure 4-71The AUDIT_CEReplicate.jardesc file is created for easy rebuilds

Figure 4-72The MANIFEST.MF file is selected for addition to the bin folder

The Java JAR Build XML, AUDIT_CEReplicate.jardesc, is as follows:

<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″ standalone=”no”?>


<jar path=”/root/eclipse/java-2021-12/eclipse/replication.jar”/>

<options buildIfNeeded=”true” compress=”true” descriptionLocation=”/AUDIT_CEReplicate/src/AUDIT_CEReplicate.jardesc” exportErrors=”true” exportWarnings=”true” includeDirectoryEntries=”false” overwrite=”false” saveDescription=”true” storeRefactorings=”false” useSourceFolders=”false”/>

<storedRefactorings deprecationInfo=”true” structuralOnly=”false”/>


<manifest generateManifest=”true” manifestLocation=”/AUDIT_CEReplicate/bin/MANIFEST.MF” manifestVersion=”1.0″ reuseManifest=”false” saveManifest=”true” usesManifest=”true”>

<sealing sealJar=”false”>





<selectedElements exportClassFiles=”true” exportJavaFiles=”false” exportOutputFolder=”false”>

<folder path=”/AUDIT_CEReplicate/config”/>

<javaElement handleIdentifier=”=AUDIT_CEReplicate/src”/>

<file path=”/AUDIT_CEReplicate/.project”/>

<file path=”/AUDIT_CEReplicate/.classpath”/>



Result with the Exact GUID Copy of a Replicated Document

The following two screenshots demonstrate the unique Replication we have achieved where the source and target documents have exactly the same core system properties, including the Creation Date and GUID (ID) values.

The OS2 source of the replicated Document Level2A1 Document is shown in Figure 4-73.


Figure 4-73The Document in OS2 GUID {907B5682-0000-C91D-B246-DA41D0421E00}

The OS1 target of the replicated Document Level2A1 Document is shown in Figure 4-74.


Figure 4-74The Document in OS1 GUID {907B5682-0000-C91D-B246-DA41D0421E00}

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