The New data module is now ready to be edited to supply the necessary relationships we will need to associate the custom Daysin values with the Case types.
Figure 5-68The new custom views are highlighted in the New data module
We can now drag and drop the required tables into the Relationships tab pane, as shown in Figure 5-68, and then we select the F_Dmcaseload Fact table and then right-click this table’s box and select the Relationship menu option from the menu list.
Figure 5-69The highlighted Relationship menu item is selected for F_Dmcaseload
The Relationship window opens, and we can then select our Custom view, Dmageing_Case, to enable selection to the matching Key field, Dmcase_Key, to the Key field, Dmcase_Key, we select from the F_Dmcaseload table (shown in Figure 5-70).
Figure 5-70The custom view, Dmageing_Case, is selected from the drop-down list
Figure 5-71The two relationship fields are selected, then Match selected columns clicked
Next, we are presented with a Refresh command button which will show the resulting columns from the joined Key fields.
Figure 5-72The Refresh command button is clicked to display the join rows
In Figure 5-73, you can see the rows resulting from joining the custom view with the Fact table.
Figure 5-73The Inner join displays the resulting field values (scrolling right shows Daysin)
On clicking the OK command button, we can now see that a new Relationship diagram is created with a new link to our Custom view, Dmageing_Case.
We can now repeat the steps displayed in Figure 5-69 to Figure 5-73 for the second custom view Dmdaysin_Case.
Figure 5-74The new Relationship link is drawn to the Dmageing_Case view
We have now repeated the Relationship link procedure for the custom Dmdaysin_Case view we created.
Figure 5-75The new Relationship link is now made for the Dmdaysin_Case view
Figure 5-76The completed Relationship diagram for the new Data module
We can now save the Data module and select the Present data main panel to create a new Dashboard.
Figure 5-77The Present data panel is clicked
Figure 5-78The Dashboard option is selected for creating a new Dashboard
After clicking the Dashboard panel, we are shown a list of Frame templates to use which assists with the new Dashboard layout.
Figure 5-79The highlighted template is selected for our Dashboard example
After selecting the template (highlighted in Figure 5-79), we can click the Create command button highlighted top right in Figure 5-79 to create the new Dashboard.
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