Unit Test Phases- A Replication Java Program for IBM FileNet Object Stores-3

Phase 2

a)    Ensure matching property values in the Source Object and with the same security ACLs and GUID values.   

b)    Ensure major/minor versions of documents under the source Object Folders, Replicate Test 1 and subfolders, are created and linked correctly in the Target Object.  

c)    Ensure Folders and Documents created in other Folder paths outside the defined path are not copied.    

NoteThis was seen in the preceding output log, for example:

IGNORED: New Folder: Audit Master found linked to external Folder Path : /IBM Case Manager/Solution Deployments/Audit Master Should be linked to :/AUDIT_TEST

d) Add new code to test for an existing document in the Target Object Store and delete and recreate it.


Phase 3

  a)First replication – Verify the object store and folders. The same object store and folders are found at the target. (Checked: See Figures 4-12A and 4-12B.) 
b)Remove a document at the source – The same document is removed at the target. 
c)Verify the folder change – Amend the name of the existing folder at the source. The change is synced to the target. 
d)Remove a folder at the source – The same folder is removed at the target. 

Phase 4

  a)Complete Deployment Manager full replication Test. Update to encrypt the Alan password – Automatic config.xml updates. (This is in the code listing, tested and working!) Update to automatically update the next replication start date in the config.xml file. (This was checked in the config.xml file and updated as expected.) 
b)Release Batch Replication.sh and Java program for testing. 
c)Create the documentation (this chapter). 

Creating the Java Projects

The Eclipse Java IDE program used in Chapters 2 and 3 was used in this chapter to create a set of projects for the development of the Java Replication program .jar files with the outline settings as shown in Table 4-1.

Table 4-1The Java Eclipse Projects used for support of the Replication program

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