Static Constants for Property Types- A Replication Java Program for IBM FileNet Object Stores

The DataType property can have one of the values in the following table.

BINARY1Specifies a binary data type. Represents binary data by using an array of unsigned 8-bit bytes.
BOOLEAN2Specifies a Boolean data type. Represents Boolean data having a value of true or false.
DATE3Specifies a DateTime data type. Represents an instance in time as a date and time of day in accordance with ISO 8601.
DOUBLE4Specifies a double (Float64) data type. Represents an IEEE-standard 64-bit floating-point number, which has a value ranging from -1.79769313486232e308 to +1.79769313486232e308.
GUID5Specifies a GUID (ID) data type. Represents a Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) or DCE Universally Unique Identifier (UUID), which is a unique 128-bit number, as a string of 32 hexadecimal characters enclosed by brackets in the following format: {XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX}. For example, {3F2504E0-4F89-11D3-9A0C-0305E82C3301}.
LONG6Specifies an integer data type. Represents a signed 32-bit integer, which has a value ranging from -2,147, 483,648 to +2,147,483,647.
OBJECT7Specifies an object data type. Represents an object that is instantiated from a Content Engine class.
STRING8Specifies a string data type. Represents text consisting of a sequential collection of 16-bit Unicode characters.

The Cardinality property can have one of the values in the following table.

ENUM1Specifies a property with enumeration cardinality. A property with enumeration cardinality is an object-valued property that returns a set collection. A set collection is a read-only collection of unique, unordered, independent objects that must be traversed sequentially. You can iterate through the items of a set collection one page of elements at a time from the server to your client application. However, if the collection changes on the server while you are iterating through it, the number, order, and values of the items in your client copy can change, even if you maintain the same reference to it. A set collection cannot hold any items other than independent objects. By contrast, a list collection can hold items of any data type, with the exception of independent objects.
LIST2Specifies a property with list cardinality. A property with list cardinality returns a list collection. A list collection is a collection of ordered items that can either be modifiable (allowing items to be inserted, replaced, or deleted) or read-only. These items need not be unique and can be traversed in any order. When you access a list collection from the server, a complete copy of it is created on your client application, which you can iterate through one element at a time. The items in a list collection must all be of the same data type and must match the data type of the property that returns it. If the property returning a list collection is an object-valued property, all of the objects in the list collection must be dependent objects. A list collection can hold items of any data type (provided each item is of the same data type. However, if a list collection holds objects, they must all be dependent objects; only a set collection can hold independent objects. You cannot create a custom property with list cardinality.
SINGLE0Specifies a property with single cardinality. A property with single cardinality returns a single value of the data type that the property can hold.

Event Setup

Events recorded example query:

Events should be set up using the acce web application for the following classes.

Folder Class

Figure 4-8The Folder Class, Audit Definitions tab is selected to add events using New

The acce web application (http://ecmukdemo6:9080/acce/) is used to set the Source (OS2) Folder Class Event records which then can be used to identify changes to the Object Store Folder objects, used by the Replication program.

The New command button is used to create a new Event definition, for example, the Unfile Event to remove a Folder Object from another Folder.

Figure 4-9The Folder Class Unfile Event

Figure 4-10The Folder Events set for Audit Definitions

NoteDon’t forget to click the Save command button or nothing will be preserved!

Document Class

The acce web application (http://ecmukdemo6:9080/acce/) is used to set the Source (OS2) Document Class Event records which then can be used to identify changes to the Object Store Document objects, used by the Replication program.

The New command button is used to create a new Event definition, for example, the Update Security Event to record changes to a Document Object Security.

Figure 4-11The Audit Definition Event for the Document Update Security Event

Figure 4-12The Document Events set for Audit Definitions

NoteDon’t forget to click the Save command button or nothing will be preserved!

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